Metadata for mesab10_04

MNDNR Lands and Minerals Division


*****NOTE: This data does not necessarily reflect true or current surface elevations. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a compilation of numerous data sets of varying time frames. Elevation discrepancies do exits between data sets. Elevation errors may exits in the data, and mining activities have occurred in areas since the elevation data was collected.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources makes no representation or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the reuse of data provided herewith, regardless of its format or the means of its transmission. There is no guarantee or representation to the user as to the accuracy, currency, suitability, or reliability of this data for any purpose. The user accepts the data 'as is', and assumes all risks associated with its use. By accepting this data, the user agrees not to transmit this data or provide access to it or any part of it to another party unless the user shall include with the data a copy of this disclaimer. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data.

Title 5 meter Digital Elevation Model of the Mesabi Iron Range

Filename mesab10_04

Abstract A digital elevation model (DEM) produced at a 5 meter sampling interval. Mesab10_04 was constructed using elevation data from the following sources: Mesabi Elevation Project 1999 (mass point and breakline), LTV 2001mine closure (mass point and breaklines), Hibtac 2002 (contours) and Mintac 2004 (contours) and Inland 2004 (mass points and breaklines). See index10_04.shp for locations and dates of elevation data used to create this DEM. First, a tin was created from the elevation data (do to file size constraints two tins were created). Then the tins were converted to grids and merged into a single grid.

Place Keywords Mesabi, Mesabi Iron Range

Theme Keywords Digital Elevation Models, DEM, Topography

Time Period of Content The dates of the elevation data used in the creation of this grid varies from 1994 to 2004. See index10_04.shp for details on locations and dates. This grid was created October 2004 (note elevation data varies from 1994 to 2004).

Parent Theme

Spatial Extent of the Data Mesabi Iron Range in Itasca and St. Louis Counties

Contact Person Matt Oberhelman

Contact Person Organization/Division DNR Division of Lands and Minerals

Contact Person Position Geologist/GIS Specialist

Contact Address 1525 Third Ave E.

Contact City Hibbing

Contact Zip Code 55746

Contact Voice Phone (218) 231 8465

Contact Fax Phone (218) 262 7328

Contact Email Address

Core Database Element

Usage Tips This theme contains one attribute VALUE which is elevation in feet. It is useful for hydrologic and other land surface investigations, and hillshade generation Key Data Attributes Cell Value = Elevation in Feet. Remember that x,y units are in meters. Make sure you know the capabilities of your software before you do calculations involving slope. Related Tables List related shapefile: index10_04.shp index of elevation data (mass point, breakline and contour files) used to create grid

Spatial Reference

Horizontal Coordinate Scheme UTM

Ellipsoid GRS1980

Horizontal Datum NAD83

Horizontal Units Meters

Distance Resolution

Altitude Datum Navd88

Altitude Units Feet

Depth Datum

Depth Units

UTM Zone Number 15

Raster only

Cell Width 5 meters

Cell Height 5 meters